The Business Owners Briefing 1

The Business Owners Briefing

Reduce the burden on your brain

Focus more, be interrupted less… and get stuff done

When you’re a business owner or manager, you have a lot of responsibilities. There are also many people who want to speak to you throughout your working day. Unfortunately, that means that you may be interrupted more often than you’d like. And you have to split your focus on things you’d rather give your full attention to. It can be a big frustration. Many business owners and managers feel this way.

You are not alone!

It’s not to say that you don’t want to help out or that you haven’t got time for people. Of course you still care! These are your people here to help you succeed. But sometimes wouldn’t it be nice to just sit down and complete something without being side-tracked? Understand this: The more things you have to switch between during the day – and the more unscheduled interruptions – the greater the burden on your brain. It can lead to a feeling of total cognitive overload by the end of the day. You’ll recognise this as getting home in a bit of a daze, and feeling like you don’t have enough energy for your family. It’s a horrible feeling. Fortunately, the past couple of years have given us all the productivity tools that we need.

There are five key areas to focus on:

  • Scheduling
  • Planning
  • Workflows
  • Automation
  • Focus

This briefing will show you some solutions that many other business owners and managers rely on. They’re all included in Microsoft 365, which means some of them integrate with other 365 apps you use. Of course, not every tool mentioned here will be suitable for you. Not everything will fit in with the way that you like to work, or the way that your business runs. But if you can use just one or two of these tools to relieve your brain of some of its burden, that’s a great start.

Read the full briefing here


How we can help you more

Of course, there are countless other applications and tools that you can use as part of, or alongside your Microsoft 365 subscription. Here we’ve highlighted some of the tools that many business owners and managers find most useful. Hopefully, you’ll finish this guide and be raring to go, trying out applications to help reduce your own cognitive load, but also to boost the productivity of everyone in the business. It’s not always easy knowing where to start, and which tools might be the best option for your specific circumstances.

If we can offer you any help or advice, we’d love to assist. Just give us a call.