Defend & Invest 1

Defend & Invest

Your technology strategy for 2022:
How are we here in 2022 already? 2021 went very fast…

The start of a new year is always a good time to think about what you want to achieve with your business. As the captain of the ship it’s your job to set the destination, and course correct along the way. January is a big course correction month. All being well you’ve had a little time off recently. Even if it was just a few days, that break can give you huge clarity of thinking. We call this the January Refresh & Refocus. While you’re thinking about your business, let us tell you the two technology areas that will be the most important this year.

They are Defend and Invest.

  • Defend is about protecting your business from cyber criminals. We believe cyber-crime is going to rise again this year, to levels never seen before
  • Invest is about making sure technology is powering your business forward, not holding it back


Imagine a burglar at night, walking down a street full of houses, looking for an opportunity.

Would it be fair to say that all of those houses are potential targets for the burglar? Only some make it easier for him than others. This is exactly the same with cyber criminals targeting businesses. They are targeting all businesses, all the time. It’s just that some make it easier for them than others. The houses with good locks on the doors and windows, a visible security alarm and cameras, and lights that make it look like someone is home… they’re not so attractive to the burglar.

Again, this analogy is the same with cyber criminals. Why would they go to the trouble of trying to break into a business with excellent defences, when there are millions of businesses leaving themselves wide open to attack.

Cyber criminals these days are not like hackers in movies from the 80s and 90s. They’re not super-intelligent kids, hacking just for fun and to show off to their hacking buddies. Today it’s organised crime. And it’s big business too. Last year global cyber-crime cost at least $1 trillion. It’s estimated to reach $10 trillion within 3 years.


Now we get onto the fun part. Defence is necessary as being breached is as costly in time as it is in cash. But most business owners prefer to look at how technology can empower growth.
The days where buying hardware and software were seen as a “necessary expense” are long gone.

These days, forward thinking businesses see that an investment in the right technology can give you a real edge.

In fact, done well it can give you a competitive advantage. When you’ve got the right technology:

  • Your people become more efficient
  • Communication is improved, and
  • You can cut cost

All of these benefits can be translated into advantages for your customers.

Read the full article here: Defend & Invest

Let us finish with 3 key questions for you:

1. Do you have a technology strategy for this year?
2. Have you thoroughly looked at these two important areas: Defend and Invest?
3. Do you have a technology partner who’s capable of supporting your business growth at a strategic level, as well as with day to day support?

If not, then we’d love to talk with you. Contact us today.