The Biggest Security Threat to your Business is on your Payroll 1

The Biggest Security Threat to your Business is on your Payroll

Revealed: The real cost of insider attacks – and your strategy to prevent them

Someone working for you right now is also working alongside some of the world’s most successful cyber criminals.


A double agent.

And before long, they’re going to take down your business from the in-side. They’ll put your sensitive business data in the hands of your number one enemy.
Where does this leave your business? Potentially held to ransom to regain control of your data. Perhaps losing all your data for good. And having to explain to your clients that their personal information has been stolen…

It sounds like the plot from a movie, doesn’t it?
While it could make a great edge-of-your-seat thriller, sadly, this is a very real threat to you and your business. And it can happen for three key reasons.

REASON ONE: The most common reason is that an employee of yours is an accidental double agent.
Their lack of cyber security training means they don’t notice the warning signs of a phishing email, dangerous attachment, or spoofed web page. That training gap leads to a click on a bad link, which leaves you open to attack. This is what we call insider negligence.

REASON TWO: This next reason is scarier – you do have a malicious insider. Someone who is working for you and knows the value of your data.
They know the weaknesses in your business’s cyber security, and they know how to access your sensitive data. The motivation of a malicious insider is usually financial gain, but some-times they may be disgruntled and out for revenge.

REASON THREE: Finally, we have imposter theft. This is what we call it when someone has access to your credentials and uses them to access your business’s sensitive data.
Credential theft can be the costliest form of attack to recover from. In fact, the cost of an imposter theft can average £620,000 or more. That’s almost three times the cost of insider negligence, at £219,000, and even more than a malicious insider attack, at £539,000. These figures are PER INCIDENT. The expense to defend and recover quickly racks up thanks to monitoring and surveil-lance, investigation, escalation, incident response, containment, post-attack analysis and remediation.


Just think about what an attack like this would mean for your business.

Find out how can we help you by reading the full story – here.


Keeping businesses safe before they have a data security problem is what we do.