End of Windows 7 | LCS IT Solutions

End of Support for Windows 7 – Fast Approaching

Did you know that Microsoft’s extended support for Windows 7 ends in two months’ time on 14th January 2020?

What does this mean to you?

Any computers you have which run on Windows 7 will continue to work, however no new security upgrades or ‘patches’ (i.e. updates to keep your systems safe) will be released. This could leave your systems vulnerable to any new cyber-attacks or viruses which are activated after that date.

What do you need to do?

For systems still running Windows 7 here are a few options to consider:-

  1. Do nothing and continue to operate with a heightened risk of cyber-attack or virus infection (not advised!).
  2. Upgrade your current devices to Windows 10 (yes there is a cost, but not as expensive as replacing the PC/laptop).
  3. Replace with a new device – we would recommend a high specification PC or laptop which should be adequately powerful to future proof you for the next five years.

At LCS we have been upgrading or replacing all of our customers’ PCs or laptops which are running Windows 7 and will still be in service at the end of 2019 as part of our IT project work.

The decision on whether to upgrade or replace your device depends on multiple factors including technical specification and age.

There comes a point where it becomes more appropriate to replace something rather than invest in equipment which is old or slow, but in many cases upgrading to Windows 10 can be inexpensive and beneficial from both a performance and security point of view.

If you are unsure whether any of your systems are running Windows 7 and you’d like some advice, click here to get IT support .