Will your business be a victim of cybercrime this year? 1

Will your business be a victim of cybercrime this year?

Will your business be a victim of cybercrime this year?      

Last year saw an unprecedented number of online scams preying on the fears of businesses and with the pandemic raging away and more employees than ever working remotely this created a perfect storm for online scams.

Business owners and managers don’t like to talk about their experiences when they’ve suffered some kind of breach. That’s why few people realise just how much cybercrime is affecting businesses around the world. No-one can know for sure, but some estimate that as many as 2 in every 3 businesses will suffer some kind of cyberattack in the year ahead.

A recent report showed that the world economy now loses more than £740 billion every year to cyber criminals.

That’s an increase of 50% on figures reported just three years ago.

The kinds of cyberattacks affecting local businesses include:

  • Phishing attacks: Where a criminal sends an email pretending to be someone else. Often this is an attempt to steal money, such as sending a real invoice with altered bank account details
  • Spoofing: A fake website designed to look like a real one. They want you to enter card details
  • Ransomware: Where your files are encrypted until a ransom is paid to recover them
  • Malware: Malicious software that does damage to your system

We’ve been warning our clients for years that it only takes one person to click on one link from one bad email – and damage can be done.

It really is that easy. And with so many businesses likely to be affected this year, business leaders should check their levels of protection right now.

They need what’s known as a blended security option, combining appropriate systems with excellent staff training.

To find out more how we can help protect your business from a cyber attack contact one of our Cyber Team on 01522 718396.