Cyber Crime: Your business’s 5 step plan to prepare and protect 1

Cyber Crime: Your business’s 5 step plan to prepare and protect

1. Training, Training, Training
Believe it or not, your devices and software aren’t the weakest link in your defence. Your people are.

2. Use the tools available to you
There are a lot of tools out there to help keep your business safe and protected from cyber-criminals. Make use of them.

3. Back-up all data, all the time
We can’t stress this enough: if you don’t already have an automated back-up of your data every day, and it’s kept somewhere other than your business’s premises, arrange this today.

4. PPP
Create a policy, protocol, and procedure in the event of a data breach. Sounds obvious, but this needs to be done before your business has a problem.

5. Bring in the experts
If you’re not an IT expert, a lot of this can seem very time consuming and complicated. We completely get that.


If you find you could do with some honest, expert help and advice, we’d love to be of service. Let’s talk.

Read more about Your business’s 5 step plan to prepare and protect.