Repair or Replace? 7 signs that you need a new computer 1

Repair or Replace? 7 signs that you need a new computer

Last year you probably saw a rise in your IT costs. Many businesses had to scramble to get a work from home set up created when we were forced into lockdown. If you didn’t already have your business set up so your team could work:

• Anywhere

• At any time

• On any device

… then getting one set up – and quickly – wouldn’t have been cheap.

There was a lot to consider, from network access, additional security, and data protection – and even the devices your people would work on. So this year it’s tempting to try to save money and stretch budgets. Especially when it comes to your IT. And one of the areas you may be avoiding is the cost of acquiring new devices.

Here are our top 7 red flags to look out for:

  1. Start-up and shut down are slow
  2. You’ve got multi-tasking issues
  3. You can’t update your operating software
  4. You’re unable to update your security
  5. Your computer’s fans are noisy
  6. Upgrading your hardware leads to compatibility issues
  7. If the cost of upgrade or repair outweighs a replacement
If you don’t have an IT support partner that you can trust to give you the right support and advice, we’d love to help. Give us a call on 01522 718192 and let’s talk.


For more information please view our BLOG IT Repair or Replace guide.