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5 Key IT Areas For Business In 2020

As we head into a New Year, here are our views on what key IT areas for businesses to be focusing on within your business for 2020.

Data Security

Over the last few years this sector has grown and will continue to do so in 2020. Hopefully by now you will have already considered segregation of your data, encryption, secure access systems and backing up your data. Make sure you have tight controls over which staff have access to what data, and ensure you truly understand the data you hold and where it’s held.

Cyber Security

Having your IT systems and processes running in a way which complies with the government led Cyber Essentials accreditation remains a key way to ensure that your IT infrastructure remains safe from the type of “hacks” or security breaches which continue to hit the headlines (and this will only increase as the year goes on).

Whether you need a Cyber Essentials accreditation to work with your customers, or whether you just want peace of mind that your systems are suitably protected, you need to be thinking about how your systems are accessed from outside your network and have them set in a way in which critical business functions can take place in a safe a secure manner.

Take a look at how we work with businesses on cyber security.

The National Cyber Security Centre are consolidating the number of Accredited Bodies that they use to administer the scheme from April 2020 and so there will be some changes to the way in which the scheme is administered, however the underlying fundamentals are not expected to change very much.

Business Continuity

What I mean by this is how will your business continue to operate in event of a major issue, eg power outage, fire, floor, flu epidemic, terrorist activities?

In 2018 some businesses were brought to a standstill due to the ‘Beast from the East’ – have you considered how you operate if people can’t physically get into the office or how to work if the building is inaccessible? This makes business continuity one of the key IT areas for businesses each and every year. Take a look at how we help companies with IT health checks and contact our team now.

Strategic Planning/Future Proofing

Looking at and beyond 2020 – it’s time to budget for rolling refreshes and upgrades of IT equipment and functions. Now is the time to devise a roadmap as to where do you want to be.

How are you going to phase it?  How are you going to progress it?  You need to have a clear understanding of what you’re aiming for how and what systems you need in place to get there. 

Take a look at how we work on IT consultancy and get in touch for a no obligation chat.

Monitoring and control of staff

Consider the use of work internet for personal use by your staff.  Be a responsible employer – create clear guidelines for your staff as to what is expected and when.  If necessary, implement controls to ensure that staff are doing what they should be and when they should be doing it.

As well as our day to day work of IT solutions and consultancy, we advise our customers on the key points above as well as anything else IT.  If you are interested in an informal chat, get in touch.

To discuss any of these key IT areas for businesses in more detail, do give the Team a ring on 01522 718396 or email